Oral administration of red and yellow watermelon rind act as as a hyphotermic agent in broiler chicks

Albina R

Published Date: 2020-08-03

Albina Rupual*

Department of Biotechnology, Bharath University, India

Corresponding Author:
Albina Rupual
Department of Biotechnology
Bharath University, India
E-mail: albinar010@gmail.com

Received Date: July 01, 2020; Accepted Date: July 24, 2020; Published Date: July 30, 2020

Citation: Rupual A (2020) Oral Administration of Red and Yellow Watermelon Rind Act as a Hyphotermic Agent in Broiler Chicks. J Anim Res Nutr Vol.5 No.3: 6 doi:10.36648/2572-5459.5.3.6

Copyright: © 2020 Rupual A. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Heat stress produced by high ambient temperature is a serious concern in poultry farming. Heat stress increases body temperature and induces heat stress responses in chicks. High ambient temperature can reduce food intake, food efficiency, and body weight gain in broilers. Additionally, several free amino acids, including l-citrulline (l-Cit), were found to decline in the plasma of heat-exposed chicks. Recently, it has been further found that oral administration of l-Cit can lower the body temperature of chicks and impart them with thermo tolerance. However, the use of synthetic l-Cit in poultry rations is still not approved in Japan.


Watermelon is a rich regular wellspring of l-Cit, and strikingly, watermelon skin (WR), a horticultural waste item, contains a more noteworthy measure of l-Cit than its substance. In our ongoing investigation, dried WR powder was taken care of as an eating routine enhancement to 3-to 15- day-old chicks to look at its impact on their rectal temperature (RT) and food admission. In spite of the fact that RT didn't altogether change leveled out thermoneutral temperature (CT; 30±1°C), food admission and plasma l-Cit expanded fundamentally. We ascribed these impacts to the way that WR powder contains fiber that weaken the l-Cit fixation in the WR powder. In this investigation, in this way, we gathered the juice of WR, i.e., WR remove (WRE), and analyzed its impact on the RT and plasma free amino acids of chicks orally directed WRE. In Experiment 1, 14-day-old chicks were exposed to intense oral organization of WR remove (WRE) (2 ml) leveled out thermoneutral temperature (CT).


In Experiment 3, after double oral organization of (1.6 ml) WRE or l-Cit (15 mmol/10 ml), 15-day-old chicks were presented to high surrounding temperature (HT; 35±1°C, 2 h) to screen changes in RT. Intense oral organization of WRE altogether decreased RT under CT.

35±1°C, 2 h) to screen changes in RT. Intense oral organization of WRE altogether decreased RT under CT. The level of RT decrease by WRE was like that by high l-Cit. In addition, RT was altogether low at HT attributable to the oral organization of WRE. Be that as it may, the decreased RT was hard to clarify by the substance of Cit in WRE alone. Taking everything into account, WRE could be utilized as a dietary fixing to decrease internal heat level for giving thermo tolerance in chicks [1,2].Cit was the most abundant free amino acid present in WRE (6638 pmol/mg). Also, the second most bountiful free amino acid was arginine (Arg) at 1175 pmol/mg. The groupings of other amino acids (β-alanine, valine, isoleucine, proline (Pro), gamma-aminobutyric corrosive (GABA), alanine (Ala), Asn, Gln, leucine, aspartic corrosive (Asp), and glycine (Gly)) were lower than 1000 pmol/mg. The outcomes in test uncovered that watermelon squeeze essentially diminished internal heat level. Notwithstanding, oral administration of the watermelon extract didn't essentially adjust feed admission in chicks. Taking everything into account, WRE actuated prompt hypothermia under CT upon single organization as well as under HT condition upon double oral organization. WRE could consolidate with obscure substances that encourage/supplant L-Cit blend and lessening internal heat level in chicks by directing plasma free amino acids. Further examination is required to explain which obscure substances add with the impacts of WRE in bestowing heat resistance in youthful chicks under HT. we reason that oral organization of both red and yellow watermelon juice may assume an intense job in declining internal heat level. Red watermelon skin remove is more impact on thermoregulation in grill chicks than yellow watermelon skin.


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